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Submit your articles

The editor welcomes original contributions to Ratel, of a length of approximately 1000 words, from feature articles to book reviews, news items and opinion pieces.


Please use the form below for your electronic submission, including high-resolution images. 

Upload your document/PDF here.

Please provide us with high quality images to accompany your article.

The editor reserves the right to alter material without prior consultation; where major changes are made, the revised text will be send to the author for approval before publication. References in scientific papers should conform to the Harvard system and be fully cited within the text. 

Please ensure that permission has been granted by the copyright holder for all illustrations submitted for publication. All illustrations labelled and credited. 

The published article will become copyright of ABWAK and the author. ABWAK may reproduce articles and images for its own purposes and this may include online. 

For all Ratel enquiries, please contact us.

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