Small Zoo Workshop
Exotic Zoo Wildlife Park
23rd June 2025
Small zoo represent a large, and extremely diverse, proportion of registered collections throughout Britain and Ireland. Come and join other zoo professionals from smaller collections around the UK to share insights, successes, techniques and discuss what the future holds for such institutions.
Topics to be included:
The impact of small zoos
Sustainability in small zoos
Small zoo husbandry techniques
The future of small collections
Site tour of Exotic Zoo
Bookings will not be confirmed unless online registration is completed and full payment has been made.
Cost for ABWAK members £25,
Members of BIAZA collections £35,
Non-members also welcome £45.
This workshop is for any staff & volunteers that work in a small zoo only
Refreshments and lunch are included in the price.
ABWAK provide grants for our members to help fund attendance at our events. Check out the grants page in the members' area of our website for application forms.
Advertised workshop content may be subject to change.