The Journal for the Association of British and Irish Wild Animal Keepers
Ratel is our quarterly journal, included in your ABWAK membership.
Ratel is published four times a year and in full colour throughout.
We welcome photographs with articles and submissions of photographs for the front cover.
Contributions and feedback are always welcome from members and non-members so please send us articles, letters, comments; anything you think will be of interest to other keepers.
Write for Ratel.
We accept articles throughout the year. If suitable, we try to publish material as soon after it is received as possible.
All material sent for publication must be your own work (please tell us if it has been published before). We reserve the right to edit your material and the copyright of articles will become that of ABWAK.
We encourage all keepers to submit material for publication in Ratel to enhance the knowledge and skills of everyone and support our objectives, as well as provide opportunity for individuals to get published. The editor can assist those whose writing skills need development. However, we would rather articles are submitted that need editing than not at all.
You can submit your article via our website.
Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Editor of ABWAK.
Back issues of Ratel are also available.
Interested in advertising?
Full, half and quarter page advertising space is available - contact the Editor for rates.

Ratel Team:
Editor: Sam Whitbread
Sub-editor: Roxy Newton
Layout Design: Maxine Bradley